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An independent medical examination (IME) occurs when a provider who has not previously been involved in a person’s care examines an individual. There is no doctor/therapist-patient relationship.
IMEs may be conducted to determine the cause, extent and medical treatment of a work-related or other injury where liability is at issue; whether an individual has reached maximum benefit from treatment; and whether any permanent impairment remains after treatment. An IME may be conducted at the behest of an employer or an insurance carrier to obtain an independent opinion of the clinical status of the individual. Workers' compensation insurance carriers, auto insurance carriers, and self-insured employers have a legal right to this request. Should the doctor/therapist performing the IME conclude that a patient’s medical condition is not related to a compensatable event, the insurer may deny the claim and refuse payment.
709 McFarland Street Morristown, TN 37814-3977 Phone: (423) 353-1175 Fax: (423) 464-4120
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